Patient Resources


Asthma medication Inhaler

Asthma arises from chronic inflammation in the airways. This causes the airways to be more sensitive to allergens or certain triggers. In Singapore, common asthma allergens include house dust mites, pet dander and pests. Other asthma triggers can include cigarette smoker, changes in weather and pollution. 

During an asthma attack, exposure to trigger factors can result in swelling and narrowing of the airways. There is also an excess of mucus production which clogs up the airways. These changes result in asthma symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, wheezing and recurrent cough.  

Although asthma cannot be cured, it can be effectively treated with inhaler medications to control the airway inflammation. In some patients with severe asthma, additional treatment options such as biologic therapies or bronchial thermoplasty may be considered. If you have recurrent symptoms arising from asthma, seek a consult with an asthma specialist who will then recommend the best treatment option as well as help to optimize your daily asthma care by drafting an asthma action plan. 

Allergens Illustration

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